I believe that supporting one another makes dreams happen, and nothing gets me more stoked than getting out there exploring and adventuring. Wherever you are, believing and striving for the life you want is the only way to truly live! Photography is one of the ways I love sharing life’s many magical, beautiful, intense moments. Get out there, live the life you want, because it can change at any time like the sun glistening over the mountain tops… one minute it’s there and the next it’s gone.
Sometimes in life, you really just have to be open to opportunity in order to chase your passion and live your dreams and goals. Getting out of high school, I wasn’t truly sure what I wanted to do in life, other than knowing I wanted to travel and see the world. I graduated from Pemberton, BC in 1993, then worked all summer in my home town of Whistler, BC.
That fall, after saving a bunch of cash, I jumped on a plane to Asia for 6 months to explore a whole new part of the world. Little did I know at the time how it would change my life forever. Captivated by it all, the amazing cultures and diversity of the people, from the incredibly beautiful beaches of Thailand, to the remote mountains of the Himalayas; I was in awe of it all. Coming home from that journey, I had so many cherished memories but hadn’t had a camera to capture some of those very special moments. Some of the wonderful people and friends I met along the way shared and sent me photos which I loved, and my parents were so stoked to see as well. They bought me a camera for my birthday that year, and that summer I worked hard and then took off for another 6 months in Asia. That winter was when I realized while travelling, that I had a big love for photography and sharing those special moments. Capturing the light for that split second or the grin on a child’s face, or the sun glistening over the mountain tops, I was filled with gratitude for life’s every changing moments.
Learning along the way from books and friends, I just keep shooting. I loved the anticipation of getting back a roll of slide film or Black and Whites, and nowadays, with the digital world upon us, I’m loving learning and rocking that too; years of stepping stones along the way.
I’m so very grateful for the opportunities and the support that has been shared over the years. Having the Privilege to work and publish with so many great Companies, Magazines, Web, and TV. Shout out to Arcteryx, National Geographic, Epic TV, Patagonia, Red Paddle Co, Mountain Life, Outside Mag, Outpost, Mustang Survival, Eldrid, Alpinist, Ski Journal, Prana, Stand-up Journal, SUP World, Mountain Hardware, Prior Skis and Snow Boards, VIMFF, the list goes on and thank-you to you all.
“Love the Life You Live, Live the Life you Love.” – Bob Marley